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Protect your employees properly by enhancing the workplace safety

Protect your employees properly by enhancing the workplace safety

No matter the size of your organisation, workplace safety should be your top priority. Not only does a safe and sound environment ensure good health for your employees, but it also helps you achieve business prosperity.

Introducing a safety program can avoid injuries and even fatalities while boosting employees’ health, morale, and productivity. Based on a study published by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), companies disposing of inspection and safety programs have economised 26 per cent on employees’ compensation expenses on average, a quite impressive number given the immensity of costs related to workplace injuries. Overexertion, for example, takes organisations about $14 billion yearly, and employers generally pay the expenses. So, if you do not want to end up paying thousands of dollars, ensure you reconsider your approach as regards workplace safety.

Investing in and continuously fostering a robust culture of safety should not be that hard, especially if you are mindful of aspects of the likes discussed below:

employees properly by enhancing the workplace safety

Provide a comprehensive training

Training is perhaps the most important aspect to consider regarding workplace safety. It is essential for all your workers to be adequately trained so that they can avoid hazards. Plus, you are legally obliged to provide your employees with proper training on everything from PPE (personal protective equipment) use to mental well-being. And this training should be consistent, not just at the beginning of their journey in your company; actual labourers also need refresher courses. It is critical to take employee training seriously and not just rely on safety manuals. Practice is your best ally, so make the most out of it. If you feel you are not prepared enough to teach others, do not be discouraged - there are professional trainers that will help with any concern.

Collaborate with occupational clinicians

Adequate training is a must for avoiding workplace injuries, but so is a meaningful partnership. In this case, we recommend working with occupational clinicians to ensure optimal work environment safety—these professionals visit and assess your worksite to spot areas with a high risk for worker injury. Occupational and physical therapists can also enhance workplace ergonomics and generate human performance evaluations to help you check candidates for heavy manual labour.

Commit to cleanliness

Some of the most common workplace injuries are tripping, slipping, and falling, and they often happen because of clutter or slippery floors. Surprisingly or not, a messy working environment can cause serious incidents, so ensure you avoid the unexpected by simply organising and tidying up all office or meeting room areas. Clear walkways and untangled cords are essential to ensure no passer-by is in danger. Keeping the workplace clean and organised should not be hard, especially if you collaborate with professionals in this sense. Also, ensure hygiene is at the next level by constantly cleaning surfaces like tables, desks, and keyboards, as well as providing your employees with face masks and hand sanitisers. The Covid-19 pandemic might be over, but the virus is still there, so you should continue to be mindful of hygiene standards.

You should be serious about cleanliness, all the more so, since it can prevent workplace injuries and fatalities. Moreover, according to https://www.nowinnofeesolicitorsco.co.uk/, employees who have been injured at work as a result of their employer’s negligence can claim compensation for their losses. And it is only normal to be so - it is the legal responsibility of any employer to ensure their workers’ physical and mental health, including providing them with the safest work conditions.

Encourage break time

You might be tempted to praise the overworked employees, and it is expected (we do not judge you), but you may want to rethink your approach, as these individuals who work incessantly are prone to exhaustion. And we all know what fatigue in the workplace means - unproductiveness. That is why we recommend encouraging regular rest breaks among employees. So, in addition to a half-hour lunch break, consider adding another two rest breaks to your repertoire, particularly if your employees work eight hours a day. Not only will this clear their head, but it will also prepare them for the coming tasks.

These rest breaks are a chance for employees to relax, stretch, and return to work more refreshed. Stretching is vital, as it reduces the risk of repetitive motion injuries, alleviates joints, and eases muscle tension. Implementing this type of break in employees’ workday also contributes to their emotional well-being. Let us not forget that overwork and fatigue can lead to several conditions, including chronic stress, anxiety, and depression. So, no, non-stop work is not recommended. 

Provide visual safety aids and messages

Using posters, signs, labels, and codes is one of the simplest and most fruitful methods to warn workers of possible hazards. You can opt for OSHA posters, for example, as they come from a trustworthy and reputable source and digital signage to transmit critical safety information, messages, and updates. These visual aids show real-time data and remind labourers to keep close tabs on their health. Sure, static posters have their role, but it would be a pity not to implement digital signage since technology nowadays has reached such a high level. Plus, you can use it in areas where computers and mobile phones are prohibited.

Safety signs are also a good idea, as they are convenient and suitable for all areas. They act as attention catchers, and their colours and shapes are clear proof of it and can be used for a plethora of purposes, including:

  • Mandatory
  • Hazard
  • Prohibition
  • Fire and First Aid

Get the gear

Technology has evolved considerably during the last couple of years, so you can find today all kinds of gear meant to enhance the safety and security of your workplace. Such technological advancements comprise security software that will store precious information and send alarms whenever danger is on its radar. Once the tool is installed, you can let it take charge of all the nuts and bolts of safety and security. Plus, it is an excellent opportunity for you to focus on what matters - the daily operation of your business.

Taking care of your employees’ health is today more important than ever. Fortunately, you have got plenty of options in this regard!

Protect your employees properly by enhancing the workplace safety



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